Cameron ORR

Looping Artist

Cameron Orr is a looping artist living in Brooklyn, NY. Cameron Orr incorporates his classical and jazz training with electronic elements to create violin- and synth-driven orchestral, cinematic compositions.

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It's time to smash the GOP and remove corporate interests from our government!

It's time to tax the rich!

It's time for better wages and lower rents! 

It's time for every worker to have a union!

It's time to remove racism, sexism, and bigotry from our country once and for all!

It's time for democratic, community control over police!

It's time to end mass incarceration!

It's time to protect immigrant workers and families and provide a path to citizenship!

It's time for equal pay for equal work and reproductive justice!

It's time for quality healthcare and education for all!

It's time for a clean environment and green jobs with living wages!

It's time to end costly wars for profit and to invest in the people!



Forward, ever - backward, never! Join the struggle to put people and planet before profits!